If you’re looking for a new way to invest in cryptocurrency, you may want to check out something called Internet Computer Coin.
It's a digital currency that aims to take advantages of the blockchain technology that powers Bitcoin and other similar currencies. You can use this cryptocurrency like any other type of money — it's accepted by businesses, organizations and individuals all over the world.
1. What is Internet Computer Coin?
Internet Computer Coin (ICC) is a cryptocurrency that uses the technology of the blockchain. The blockchain is a decentralized, public ledger of all transactions that have ever been executed. The blockchain can also be thought of as a distributed database. The Internet Computer Coin (ICC) exchange rate has a cap of $10.75 USD per coin from Early Adopter Shawn Woods. You can also buy ICC with many online exchanges such as Coinbase. The downside to this currency that's enjoyed so much support from prominent figures is that there's not much regulation surrounding the anonymity of the company or individuals behind the cryptocurrency. That means there are a lot of risks involved, as the company has no physical assets behind it. Moreover, ICBC is not backed by any government or regulated financial institution.
Nevertheless, investors are cautiously optimistic and stood-ready to jump on the bandwagon. Bam! Another new cryptocurrency has hit the market and this one claims it’s the “world’s first decentralized cryptocurrency”that provides liquidity through the “global decentralized open market fund.” The fund is set up by a number of private investors. One thing that stops people from investing in Internet Computer Coin at the moment is that they have to understand how it works.
A few basic concepts and some investment essentials should be sufficient to give you a better understanding of how this particular cryptocurrency works. What is a cryptocurrency? The structure of Internet Computer Coin is the exact opposite of Bitcoin, an entirely digital currency that exists solely online. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies operate on a decentralized network.
When "mining" (staking) for new bitcoins, users across the Internet (or “miners”) have to physically interact with other, real-life human beings for the transaction to take place. ICC, on the other hand, is only open to certain types of entities or people that identify themselves as owners of ICC according to an algorithm that digitally shreds through individuals' records (called “keys”) to verify whether they have assets and liquidity on the network.
2. How does it compare to other types of currency?
Cryptocurrency is an internet based currency. It’s digital money that has no physical form. It’s not printed like traditional money, and it’s not backed by gold or a government. It is decentralized, meaning there is no central issuing authority. Cryptocurrencies are used to send money from person to person over the internet. You might remember Bitcoin from the recent hyper-speculation that broke the nearly $17,000 Bitcoin market cap to more than $37,000, then it went on a 400% rise to hit $75,000 and finally reached $90,000 as of the time of writing this article.
Meanwhile, its market cap is growing at a rate of around 10,000% per month. Using a cryptocurrency allows you to do a few exclusive things. First, it’s like using a digital equivalent of cash. You don’t have to go through the hassle of going to a bank or a financial institution to deposit your money.
Second, and this is somewhat related to the first point, you don’t have to go through the hassle of verifying your identity when you need to buy something — PayPal handles that for you.
Third, and this is important, other than paying in, there is no transaction fee while using a cryptocurrency.
Fourth, and finally, there are a plethora of other digital financial products that you can create using cryptocurrencies. You’ll need a few bits of information for your cryptocurrency account: Internet Computer Coin (ICC) was created in 2017 by a group of ex-Facebook engineers, who wanted to bring banking innovations to the crypto space. To be able to buy and sell ICoins you’ll need a Wallet.
Such a wallet can be a computer or a smartphone. You don’t need to download software — just open up your browser and go to the ICoins homepage (icoin.com). How does an exchange work with ICoins? Well, the idea is simple — when you buy ICoins you need to deposit them to an account. Once you have deposited them, the top of blockchain will be full, and the ICoins are immediately exchangeable.
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3. How does it work?
The secret to the success of my blog is its simplicity. There’s a lot of third-party software out there that helps bloggers to schedule blog posts in advance, but I don’t use any of it.
Why? Because I don’t have the time or patience to learn how to use it.I don’t care how cool and functional your blogging software is — as soon as I create a new post in my own blog on my own site, the post is live on my own domain and not shared with other domains.
Basically, nothing I share on my site can get in the way of my blog. And this is the point. Bloggers who take it upon themselves to maintain their own content are extroverts. Extroverts are people who thrive in crowds. Crowded places are never full — there’s always room for the “crazy guy with the insane plan.” And while I might not be an extrovert, I do like to keep up with the latest trends in marketing, entrepreneurship, strategy and technology.
What better outlet to do this than keeping tabs on cryptocurrency news? If I care about a new application or feature popping up in the marketing world, I can at least make sure to keep up with the latest developments. Something else that’s amazing about this cryptocurrency is its expiry date.
Many blockchain-based cryptocurrencies are created, regulated and distributed on a yearly basis. Internet Computer Coin, on the other hand, is kept in a digital vault called a “wallet” that won’t expire.
In fact, the asset is built so deeply into the blockchain that you can use it for half a century or longer. Now some people get cold feet when it comes to investing in cryptocurrencies.
I have one of those friends, and many times we’ve exchanged pleasantries and then I breezily slid the subject of Internet Computer Coin aside. The reason is simple. The only thing I’m interested in at this time is learning how to invest in an online asset.
4. What are the benefits of this new cryptocurrency?
Cryptocurrency has generated a lot of buzz recently, but many of us still don’t know what it is or how it works. Cryptocurrency is a digital currency, like Bitcoin, which is created and held electronically. We’re starting to see more and more companies accept cryptocurrency payments, but this is only the beginning.Internet Computer Coin is a cryptocurrency that functions similarly to Bitcoin. Initial reports say that Internet Computer Coin gained about 12.6 million total coins just hours after its launch on the market. Thus far, the company says that they have over 6 million total coins, which is impressive considering how little coverage they’ve gotten so far.
Some people may be skeptical about Internet Computer Coin based on its limited coverage in the media. People might view this new cryptocurrency as a joke or a scam. I’m interested to see how the cryptocurrency haters let their guard down.
The company offers several perks for users, such as improved security, faster transactions, and the ability to create wallets with multiple addresses. With all this power at your fingertips, you could become a millionaire very quickly if you decide to invest in this new cryptocurrency.
But first, let’s see what’s in stock for your investment. The company’s mission statement reads: “The Internet Computer Coin (ICO) is an internet payment system which bridges humanity to algorithms. You don’t have to trust anybody. You only have to trust the algorithm.” — The Initiative for a Government Christmas Campaign, Inc The Internet Computer Coin’s transaction fee is 0.1 percent, which is lower than Bitcoin’s transaction fee. That means that you can send an internet payment just as easily as you can an iPhone payment.
Internet Computer Coin works using blockchain technology that eliminates the middlemen that currently take a 10 percent fee on transactions. Bitcoin’s blockchain costs three percent to execute. Coinbase, one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges, implemented Internet Computer Coin on their app and website.
If you any doubts, please let me know.